2ndgradeworksheets.net-Free worksheets and printables for teachers

Halloween Worksheets

Halloween Worksheets, Halloween Printables

Common Core State Standards:  Let Them Have Fun

halloween wordsearch

Halloween Word Search

Common Core State Standards: Fun

Find the hidden Halloween words.

pumpkins poem

Pumpkin Patch Poem

Common Core State Standards: 2.RFS.4
Reading: Foundational Skills
Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.

A poem about a pumpkin patch with questions.


Common Core State Standards: 2.RFS.4
Reading: Foundational Skills
Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.

A poem about a October with questions.


Common Core State Standards: 2.RFS.4
Reading: Foundational Skills
Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.

A poem about Halloween with questions.

History of Halloween
Passage for 2nd to 3rd grade.

Popcorn Ball Recipe
Recipe with questions.

Passage about bats with questions.

Passage about spiders with questions.

Halloween Math Word Problems
Math words problems for 2nd to 4th grade.

Haunted House Story Writing Paper
Writing paper for a story about a haunted house.

Haunted House Story Starter
Writing paper for a story about a haunted house with the beginning started.
pumpkin comprehension paper

Sally's Problem

Common Core State Standards: 2.RFS.4
Reading: Foundational Skills
Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.

Sally can't find the perfect pumpkin at the patch.

halloween pictograph

Favorite Halloween Costume Pictograph

Common Core State Standards: 2.MD.10
 Draw a picture graph and a bar graph to represent data…..

Complete a survey, tally chart, and pictograph.
how to carve a pumpkin worksheet

How to Carve a Pumpkin

Common Core State Standards: 2.RFS.4
Reading: Foundational Skills
Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.

Students read about the steps to carve a pumpkin and then put the steps in the correct order.

halloween word listHalloween Word List

Common Core State Standards: 2.RFS.4
Reading: Foundational Skills
Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.

Students read about the steps to carve a pumpkin and then put the steps in the correct order.

pumpkin reward chartPumpkin Reward Chart

Common Core State Standards:

pumpkin reward chartPumpkin Reward Chart

Common Core State Standards:

pumpkin addition no regroupingPumpkin Math Worksheet

Common Core State Standards:

Pumpkin Math Worksheet

Common Core State Standards:

pumpkin skip count worksheetPumpkin Skip Counting

Common Core State Standards:

pumpkin expanded form worksheetPumpkin Math Worksheet Expanded Form

Common Core State Standards:

pumpkins compare numbers worksheetPumpkins Compare Numbers

Common Core State Standards:

pumpkins repeated addition worksheetPumpkins Repeated Addition Worksheet

Common Core State Standards:

pumpkin worksheetPumpkins Standard Form

Common Core State Standards:

pumpkins math worksheetPumpkins Place Value

Common Core State Standards:

halloween writing planning graphHalloween Writing Paper

Common Core State Standards: